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27 Jan

Over time, equity markets go
through periods of volatility.

As volatility subsides,
markets typically resume
their upward course.

Maintaining a long-term perspective
can help you stay invested and benefit
from long-term market gains.

Chart illustrates the growth of $10,000 in the S&P/TSX Composite Index (total returns) for the 50 years ended December 31, 2021. An investment cannot be made directly in an index. Graph does not reflect transaction costs, investment management fees or taxes. If such costs and fees were reflected, returns would be lower. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results. Index data source: Bloomberg.

There will always be reasons not to invest

1972 Largest U.S. trade deficit ever 1989 October “mini-crash” 2006 Russia-Ukraine tensions
1973 Energy crisis 1990 Persian Gulf crisis 2007 Housing crisis
1974 Steepest market drop in 4 decades 1991 Communism tumbles with Berlin Wall 2008 Financial crisis
1975 24% inflation in the U.K. 1992 Global recession 2009 Global recession
1976 Economic recovery slows 1993 Health care reform 2010 European sovereign debt crisis
1977 Market slumps 1994 Fed raises interest rates 6 times 2011 U.S. credit downgrade
1978 Interest rates rise 1995 Dow tops 5000 2012 Global tensions with Iran
1979 Oil prices skyrocket 1996 Dow tops 6000 2013 The “Taper tantrum”
1980 All-time high interest rates 1997 Asian financial crisis 2014 Oil prices fall 50%
1981 Steep recession begins 1998 World market correction 2015 First U.S. rate hike in 10 years
1982 Worst recession in 40 years 1999 Fear of Y2K 2016 U.K. votes for Brexit
1983 Market hits new high 2000 Dotcom bubble bursts 2017 Rising interest rates
1984 Record-setting market decline 2001 September 11th terror attack 2018 Slowing global growth
1985 Economic growth slows 2002 Markets drop to 1997 levels 2019 U.S.-China trade war
1986 Dow nears 2000 2003 Iraq war 2020 COVID-19
1987 Black Monday 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami 2021 U.S. inflation near 40 year high
1988 Election year 2005 London terror attacks 2022 ???